Intrusive Academic Advising: The Tool to Use to Increase Student Success
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: June 12, 2020 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: June 26, 2020 Overview: Intrusive advising means that higher educational institutions will link instructional faculty, academic advisors, counselors and others will take the initiative to reach out to students to offer advice, support and assistance, rather than waiting for…
Success Coaching and Mentoring: A Holistic Approach for At-Risk Students
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: July 12, 2020 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: July 26, 2020 Overview: This webinar will provide techniques how to create environments conducive to success for at-risk students. By focusing on the structure and strengths of the student success coaching team (recruitment & training), along with the effects…
Writing Across the Academic Disciplines
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: August 12, 2020 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: August 26, 2020 Overview: This webinar is structured to introduce strategies that can integrate writing with course content for your discipline, and ways to develop writing prompts and rubrics to promote student success and to assess writing efficiently and…
Helping TRIO Programs Thrive: How to Develop Effective Collaborations on and off Campus
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: September 10, 2020 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: September 18, 2020 Overview: This webinar will provide strategies and techniques that can be used to identify and secure support for TRIO, EOP and College Access and Success programs. We will address the need for programs to work with…
Diversity, Inclusivity and Civility: Developing Students’ Cultural Competence
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: October 10, 2020 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: October 23, 2020 Overview: This webinar will increase participants awareness of difference and consider how issues of diversity can impede the development of inclusive communities. It will examine issues of implicit cultural assumptions, stereotyping, and biases and consider how…
Strategies for Increasing Transfer Student Enrollment and Success
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: November 04, 2020 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: November 13, 2020 Overview: This webinar is structured to help educational leaders learn how cultivate partnerships between community colleges and the four-year higher educational institutions—while increasing transfer enrollment and help transfer students persist to graduation. Objectives: This webinar…
Four Leadership Foundational Practices for New or Aspiring Deans
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: December 04, 2020 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: December 11, 2020 Overview: Educational Research has revealed that supportive leadership from academic deans is critical for the continuous enhancement of knowledge, skills, and performance of their faculty, and is central for the identification and development of future leaders…
Enrollment Management Strategies for Community Colleges—A New Beginning
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: January 18, 2021 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: 22 January 2021 Overview: Over the past five years, high school student populations have been declining nationwide for a number of reasons. Community colleges have been recruiting and retaining students successfully for years. This session will review how to…
What Faculty Need to Know About Teaching Online: The Secret
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: January 25, 2021 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: 29 January 2021 Overview: This webinar is designed to provide practical tools to use in order to be a successful online instructor. In doing so, the facilitator will provide user-friendly techniques that can implemented immediately to ensure that great…
Success Coaching and Mentoring: The Transformational Approach for At-Risk Students
Teleconference Webinar MI, United StatesFormat: Teleconference Webinar Registration Due: February 19, 2021 Registration Fee: $220.00 Time: 1-2:30 pm Date: 26 February 2021 Overview: This webinar will provide techniques how to create environments conducive to success for at-risk students. By focusing on the structure and strengths of the student success coaching team (recruitment & training), along with the effects…