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Developmental Educational Redesign: Increasing Time to Degree Completion
December 16, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Format: Teleconference Webinar
Registration Due: May 3, 2021
Registration Fee: $220.00
Time: 1-2:30 pm
Date: 7 May 2021
The Intensive Support Transitional Learning Community (ISTLC) is designed to close the academic achievement gap at the developmental educational level. Additionally, ISTLC aims to build and foster the skills necessary for students to transfer into credit level courses as they continue to matriculate.
This webinar will provide participants with a savvy way of redesigning developmental education programs at their institutions. The presenter will showcase how to connect developmental education courses to credit level courses, an idea that promises to strengthen the core academic skills and lessen time to degree completion. Participants will also learn how to create and structure a new course sequence called Intensive Support Transitional Learning Program (ISTLP). This program addresses colleges’ focus on learning needs and college completion rates of students entering below the first level of developmental education courses in mathematics, reading, and writing.
- Create more sustained intellectual interaction among students and their teachers
- Define the concept term, Developmental Education
- Describe effective institutional practices based on recent research for using shared instructional learning communities
- Learn how to implement different modalities of instruction
- Understand the role of the professor, student, staff, and administrator in a successful learning community
- Utilize technology as a teaching and learning tool
Who should attend?
Academic Affairs/Instruction
Advising/Career Services/Counselors
Deans/Department Chairs
Developmental Educators
Enrollment Management
Faculty (full and part-time)
First-Year Experience Coordinators
Learning Resource Centers/Tutors
Retention Specialist
Student Affairs
Two and Four Year Higher Educational Institutions