JV Educational Consulting Services
JVEC offers a variety of consultation services to associations, colleges (schools), communities, foundations, higher educational institutions, nonprofits, nations and international collaborations to successfully implement and sustain strategies that lead to constructive student/faculty development, effective student and teacher leadership in education.
JVEC has over 100 years of combined experience in creating and revising educational programs for educational administrators, leaders, parents, students, and teachers.
JVEC provides:
- Analyses of educational research and refined practices to colleges, schools and school districts, nonprofits, student and teacher serving organizations, national organizations and international collaborations to effectively engage administrators, students, and teachers, and in life-long learning.
- Analyses of educational updates for educational leaders to create effective teaching, learning, student engagement and community collaborations.
- Facilitates professional development for school/college leaders and practitioners to increase their capacity to support student achievement and success.
Boris A. Crawford, Ph.D., President
Derek C. Hawkins, MBA, Vice President
J.A. Phelps, B.A., Secretary
Bayor T. Stewart, Ph.D., Member
D.M. Thomas, MS., Member
Professor Jà Hon Vance, Executive Vice President of Teaching and Learning
JV Educational Consultants, LLC
Today, he is highly praised and respected for his savvy work with academic testing, teacher education training programs, recruitment, educating and graduating African American male students in higher education, retention, as well as, redesigning developmental educational writing programs. When Professor Vance is not working with students and conducting instructional training sessions for educators, he can be found presenting workshops for H.O.P.E. Academy Leadership Institute, Innovative Educators, JV Educational Law Enforcement and Public Safety Conference, JV Educational Annual Males of Color Retention Conference, National Association for Developmental Education, The National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium Conference, The National Youth At-Risk Conference, Oxford Round Table, Ruffalo Noel-Levitz National Conference on Student Recruitment, Marketing, and Retention and The QUEST: Minority Male Annual Conference.In addition to providing to educational training across the country and abroad to community and educational leaders, faculty, parents, and policy makers, Professor Vance is extremely busy expanding his new sporty clothing brand (The NàHoj Line) which is very popular in Canada and England.
As a transformational educator and a savvy business leader, Professor Vance earned academic credentials and degrees from Cornell University, Harvard University, Jackson State University, and Wayne State University which allows him to serve as an innovative educational consultant for corporate business organizations, public schools and higher education institutions nationally and internationally.
Thus, it is imperative note that Professor Vance used a zero-dollar budget to operate a successful structural learning community by the name of QUEST that he designed and developed specifically for African American males to earn an Associate of Arts Degree in one year, while producing more than 20.5 million dollars in FTEs, as well as secured two major grants from the U.S. Department Education which was one for 2.7-million-dollars and the second one for 1.5 million-dollars. To add to his academic leadership credit, Professor Vance made history and changed the educational teaching and learning platform by producing fourteen consecutive classes of graduates from 2009-2022 at one of Maryland’s urban community colleges using his “One Year Degree Model Concept—The QUEST.” Also, in 2019, Professor Vance received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the White House for his work in education.
In addition, his innovative writing concept—which implores the use of The Vance-Brooks Writing Model—provided successful outcomes over a four-year period that helped students matriculate from developmental educational writing courses to credit-level writing courses with the needed skills to advance in higher education. Lastly, Professor Vance’s philosophy for education is simple: “All persons are capable of learning, but the educator must be creative and skilled to engage students to become self-regulated learners, to teach, and to meet the various academic needs, but most importantly, the educator must act as the change agent that constantly works to foster continual awareness in every soul.”
Kathleen A. Styles, MS.Ed, Vice President of Educational Conferences and Executive Leadership Institutes
Ms. Styles has a wealth of educational and public sector experience in her career in higher education spanning over thirty years. Years of experience include expertise in Leadership, Program Development and Implementation, Instruction, and Training. Her love for students is demonstrated in the many years of dedicated commitment and experience in higher education. She has served in numerous professional capacities in higher education in Continuing Education, Academic Affairs and Student Services.
Ms. Styles has an impressive track record of achievements. She is an innovative, visionary, collaborative, collegial and transformational leader committed to exceeding standards for higher education through a high spirited "can do" optimistic lens accomplished by guiding colleagues to successful outcomes in the implementation of new and relevant initiatives.
Ms. Styles is highly recognized as an innovator with prescriptive measures for implementing change. She revolutionized advisement for students through the development and implementation of an intrusive milestone advisement model designed to improve college retention and completion. She also transformed advisement for college faculty and staff by providing much needed hands-on web based advisement tools designed to make advisement thorough, comprehensive and accountable for retaining and graduating students. Committed to successful retention and completion, she designed, developed, and implemented a major college retention initiative: The Performance Alert Intervention System which resulted in College Policy. Under President Obama’s Completion Agenda, Ms. Styles designed and developed a Completion Project which was institutionalized: Degrees of Excellence which provides automatic completion for students who have met degree/certificate requirements.
A valuable versatile professional with unlimited interests and abilities, Ms. Styles served as Co-Executive Director for the QUEST Program, an accelerated one year degree program for African American males. She also founded the WEDS (Women w/Extraordinary Determination for Success) Program, the sister program to the QUEST Program founded by Professor Jà Hon Vance.
Ms. Styles continues to be a visionary and strategist with a keen insight for successful outcomes. She designed and developed the Registration Issues—Community Engagement Forum-A semi-annual meeting for the college community to inform, enlighten and dialog about important issues affecting college recruitment, retention and completion. She has received numerous honors and awards for service in the higher education community and has delivered presentations at national conferences.
Colonel Edward C. Jackson, ABD, Director of Law Enforcement Training
Dawn E. Beckford, B.A., Executive Administrator
Twanna Canty, B.A., Mailing Standard Specialist
Tamera Farrar, M.A.,Director of Operations
Connor O'Sullivan, M.A., Director of Client Affairs
Paul A. Wentworth, Ed.S., Director of Scheduling
Elton Amos, MD., Health Education and Wellness Consultant
Patricia Brooks, Ph.D., Assessment/Teacher Education Consultant
Zeonobia E. Buchanan, M.S., Educational Administrative Consultant
Essence Butler, B.S., Civil Engineering Design Consultant
Alvin Daugherty, M.S., Education Research Consultant
Kimberly Du Bois, M.S., Speech Consultant
Nanette Grey, Ed.S., K-12 Curriculum/Special Education Consultant
Teresa Harper, M.S., Robotics and STEM Consultant
Ashley Harrell, Ph.D., English and Strategic Leadership Consultant
Cedric Harris, M.S., Computer Science and Math Consultant
Melvin J. Harrison, M.Ed., Certified Auxiliary Services Professional Consultant
Alexander Hines, M.S., Inclusion and Diversity Consultant
Colonel Edward C. Jackson, ABD, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
Regina Jones, Ph.D., Literature and Writing Consultant
Sandra Lykes, B.S., Career Development Consultant
Denise McBeath, M.S., Elementary Education Consultant
Sean D. Meredith, MBA, Data Evaluation and Grant Writing Consultant
Kwabena Natambu, Ed.S., Curriculum Planning and History Consultant
Gladys Powe, M.S., Career Services and Youth Leadership
Carolyn Reynolds, Ph.D., Elementary Education and Teacher Leadership Consultant
Kathleen A. Styles, M.S.Ed., Enrollment Management and Retention Consultant
Beveraly Wallace, MBA, J.D., Legal Affairs Consultant
F. Carl Walton, Ph.D., Faculty Coordinator and Student Affairs Specialist
Denise Weems, Ph.D., Assessment & Education/Teacher Training Consultant
Jeannette Wood, Ed.D., Business Management and Psychology Consultant